about us


CoffeeNutz® was founded in 2013 with the goal of making more 'good' coffee more accessible.
It produces freshly roasted coffee and bottled cold brew coffee with the main principle that the most important factor in realizing this goal is the rightly roasted fresh coffee, and also applies different coffee brewing methods with the CoffeeNutzLAB concept.

Updated: 01.08.2013


We, as CoffeeNutz, work as close as possible to the Open Source Ecology principle, advocate this approach and support any related initiative. CoffeeNutz states that the brand, patent and similar protection measures around it are taken only for the purpose of preventing commercial abuse and all the knowledge, expertise, trade secrets, tricks, etc. we have obtained as CoffeeNutz. We hereby declare our willingness to disclose and share the information deemed as "localized" as much as we can for all individual producers who aim to be "localized".

Updated: 01.08.2013

Founder Ömer AYDIN, SCAE L1 Certified Roaster: Owner of the first certificate given to Turkey by the Specialty Coffee Association on Coffee Roasting, Ömer Aydın received his education by Filip Akerblöm in Malmö, Sweden. With CoffeeNutz Coffee Roasters, which he founded in 2013, he organizes training and workshops to take the uniform "Italian Style" espresso roasting one step further and to create awareness that coffee with different profiles and features can only be developed with a methodical approach and good observation.

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