Each has a bold yogurt made out. How self-explanatory this is actually, but let's continue...
What are we producing? There is something related to this that I need to share. In other words, it's a thing of the past, not as a company, but as I'm saying this, otherwise I can't force this business, which is not my partner, to the corporate image. Of course, I want to say “What am I producing”, but this is a question we should all ask. Therefore, “What are we producing?” I'm in production for myself as a whole, that's how I feel. Even if it doesn't feel like it, I think it is. We produce and that expresses us. The things we call “work”, my conversation with the grocer, my self-reflection and what I share, not only verbally, but also with my expressions and production. I hope I am at the point of sharing everything I produce, and if I am not, there is only one stop left for the most beautiful expressions.
I produce “coffee” (not “coffee flavored” or “coffee”). But would it be different if I produced “tea”? What if I sold toothpicks to the whole world? There is no difference, an ambitious determination, but there really isn't. Coffee is a median and has been working well for me for a while, and it seems like it will be for a long time (who knows). If we say what is the expression, do we analyze the song and empty it? Very much, but whatever this 'median' means to me, I don't think I can empty it out, nor do I think anyone will stop listening to the song, it will remain beautiful as it always is...
With the coffee business, mine is not a love story, I've been aware of it from the very beginning, it's a partnership story. So we're on the same side, and it kind of feels like my secret partner, coffee. I give him the place he deserves, I bring him forward as necessary, and he sees me. There is no unnecessary dialogue in between - just as it should be in a good partnership. There is respect between us, that's for sure. Shall we roast the coffees that you cannot brew to hide your faults, so that they last longer, and let your customers be a tool for you not to trust them as you do not trust yourself? I'm sorry, isn't it "dark" in the Italian style, of course… “What does it matter when you keep saying this green supplier, my dear?” It goes like this, but I said I won't let you eat it, the answer comes from within, very quickly and without thinking: We are doing coffee here, of course, where it comes from, how it is preserved, how it is roasted are important. There is a way of roasting that should be (some of us also call it omni roasting, but I define it as omni, which includes personal preferences) we cannot go beyond it because obviously it is not experimentalism you are looking for (even if it is, this may not be in the content of our service), you are the one who put coffee in the background and your business You are a mentality that treats it like a powdered drink. Anyway, let's not meet, if possible, continue to buy the packages you see from there and here, this may be ours, we will not close our website to anyone, but it is obvious that we will not be able to experience a "friendship" feeling. So yes, there are friends in this system, that is, they are different from my friends who know me better, but these are also friends because they find my statement significant, they don't necessarily buy coffee from me, it's not like that... They claim that they know "coffee" better than you, anyway. They don't intend to make friends, their intention is to be friends, just like those who take a look to get a good coffee and say, OK, I'll buy it from here, not necessarily a long conversation, but a glance you catch and then the feeling that we are in the same boat and of course an open dialogue, as it should be in any friendship. …
Afterwards it's relatively easy, it's a manifesto because everyone has one. My manifesto written in August 2013 with these feelings was:
“At CoffeeNutz, we work as closely as possible to the Open Source Ecology principle, advocate this approach and support any related initiative. CoffeeNutz states that the brand, patent and similar protection measures around it are taken only for the purpose of preventing commercial abuse and all the knowledge, expertise, trade secrets, tricks, etc. we have obtained as CoffeeNutz. We hereby declare our willingness to disclose and share as much as we can for all individual producers who aim to "localize" the information deemed to be "localized".
and this manifesto has never seen an update…